Bridge the Leadership
Gap with a
Construction Management Graduate
Degree in
Civil Engineering

Tasked with planning, designing and managing construction processes as well as maintaining both public and private facilities required to meet society’s needs, construction managers today face a variety of challenges, such as risk management, budget constraints and a lack of sustainable material options in the construction industry.
Built on the foundation of civil engineering, Vanderbilt’s multidisciplinary master of engineering in civil engineering with a concentration in construction management teaches the latest developments in construction technologies and software along with management principles to understand, address and solve the broad range of challenges confronting the construction industry — now, and in the future.
Ready to learn more about this degree?

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Watch our recorded webinar to learn more from the program faculty directly about this advanced professional degree program!
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Discover Life as a Construction Manager: Insights and Stories
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Download our construction management program guide to discover careers in construction management, salary projections for graduates and the construction management job outlook for industry professionals.

The Value of a Construction Management Graduate Degree in
Civil Engineering
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