M.Eng. in Engineering Management Program Online
Delivered through Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering, the online master of engineering (M.Eng.) in engineering management prepares you to rise to leadership positions where you can drive impactful technological solutions and influence the engineers on your team to do the same.

Earn Your Degree in as Few as 12 Months
Vanderbilt University offers an online M.Eng. in engineering management program so that you can immediately integrate key business and leadership skills into your role today.
Ranked in the top 18 nationally1 and in the top 20 for innovation2, Vanderbilt boasts a scholarly community dedicated to solving real-world problems affecting engineers. The online program explores how business areas such as project management, product development and organizational behavior affect engineering firms’ output, preparing you to pursue leadership roles across a range of industries.
The Online Learning Experience
To earn your degree, you’ll attend live, online classes and complete weekly online course work. The program takes as few as 12 months to complete.
Are you ready to take the next step toward a fulfilling career in engineering management? Find out more above.
1U.S. News & World Report, National University Rankings in 2024 (September 2023)
2Reuters, World’s Most Innovative Universities 2019 (August 13, 2020)