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Explore Surgery and Intervention at
Vanderbilt's School of Engineering


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Watch and learn what surgery and intervention is all about (and why you should choose Vanderbilt University!)

Over the past several decades, dramatic breakthroughs in biomedical science have been witnessed within laboratory research, but the ability to translate those discoveries and make new discoveries has been a challenge and has been often characterized as the bottleneck of clinical translation.

In response to this need, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, in partnership with the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE), has launched a master of engineering in surgery and intervention — a niche, rigorous engineering graduate program that will prepare the next generation of engineers to address challenges and envision solutions at the interface of engineering and medicine.

Ready to learn more? Watch our short video below to find out why Vanderbilt University's master of engineering in surgery and intervention is one of the most cutting-edge engineering degrees today.


More resources for you:

Looking for more information on Vanderbilt University's master of engineering in surgery and intervention? Check out the resources below!

Download the
Program Guide

At Vanderbilt, we believe in perpetuating innovation in procedural medicine. In the guide, we discuss how our program prepares engineers to transform surgical care.

Unlock the ESI Guide

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Explore Vanderbilt's ESI Program

Ready to learn more? For information about the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering and our master of engineering in surgery and intervention, visit our program page.

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